Delivery & Returns

Delivery timing


Orders are printed and dispatched within 2-5 working days. Please note that the actual delivery times may vary depending on shipping destination.

Original artwork

If the artwork is already dry when sold it will be dispatched within 5-7 working days. For artworks that are still drying, we’ll be in contact to let you know when you can expect these to be shipped. 


Delivery costs


Prints: Free shipping 

Paintings: Shipping costs are covered in the price of the painting. 

Rest of the world

Prints: There is a £15 charge for delivering prints to rest of world

Paintings: Shipping costs are covered in the price of the painting. 


Damaged items

If an order arrives damaged, or you believe it is faulty in any way, please contact as soon as possible with a clear photo of the issue so we can appropriately address it for you. If we are not contacted within 14 days of delivery, we will be unable to take responsibility for the damage, unless it is a clear print/production error.

Although we take care to package goods appropriately, accidents can happen during transit, and we will do our best to resolve any issues for you.



Unfortunately we cannot accept returns for items unless they are damaged.


Please note that it is the responsibility of the customer to cover the cost of any additional customs charges for overseas orders placed with us. Once items have left the studio, we are unable to control or predict what these fees might be, as this depends on the country being shipped to. If you have any questions about this, please pop us an email and we will assist wherever we can.